.. _Usagecli: |JOSS| |Python36| |Licence| .. |JOSS| image:: http://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.01249/status.svg :target: https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.01249 .. |Licence| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPLv3-blue.svg :target: http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html .. |Opensource| image:: https://badges.frapsoft.com/os/v1/open-source.svg?v=103 :target: https://github.com/ellerbrock/open-source-badges/ .. |Python36| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/python-3.6-blue.svg .. _Python36: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-360/ dfitspy as a Python Module ========================== dfitspy can be also used as a third party module in one of your own code. You can import it the usual way:: In [1]: import dfitspy dfitspy contains a few functions that I detail below:: get_all_keyword get_files get_keys keywords_view keywords_in_file dfitsort dfitsort_view test version 1 - Get your files ready ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ dfitspy can be easily use to dfits|fitsio a set of files. First of all you must prepare a list of files. You can do it using your favorite python package. Or you can use the *get_files* function of dfitspy:: In [1]: import dfitspy In [2]: help(dfitspy.get_files) <---this print the help of the function get_files(files, dire=False) This function extracts the list of files based on the files and dire parameters. example: get_files(['fil1.fits,file2.fits'] , '/home/Documents') example: get_files(['fil1.fits,file2.fits']) Parameter --------- files list of str, list of files names (without path) it can be ['file1.fits,file2.fits,....'] ['file1.fits'] ['file1,fits', 'file2.fits'] ['all'] dire str, path of the directory to look in Return ------ list of files This function takes two arguments. The first is the file argument and must be a **LIST** of strings. It will return a list of files. **Only fits files will be returned**. The easiest way is to analyse **all** the files in the current directory:: In [3]: listfiles = dfitspy.get_files(['all']) ['/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:40:13.194.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:10:40.714.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:11:16.622.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:27:32.003.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:27:07.001.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:13:33.009.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:00:53.001.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:12:56.978.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:18.621.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:13:58.001.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:10:41.934.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:11:15.667.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:19.841.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:45.749.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:14:45.502.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:11:16.887.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:01:40.463.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:00:28.009.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:26:29.578.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:28:20.452.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:10:41.562.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:46.590.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:46.969.fits', '/home/romain/Documents/tests/dfitspy/XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:19.503.fits'] You would get the same results using:: In [4]: listfiles = get_files(['all'],dire='../Test_data/') 2 - Get your keywords ready ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After preparing the files you must prepare the keywords you want to fitsort your files with. The correct format is a list of strings, each string being a keyword, example:: listkeys = ['HIERARCH ESO OBS ID', 'EXPTIME'] If you do not remember the name of the keywords you want to use you can retrieve them all and display them:: In [5]: help(dfitspy.get_all_keyword) get_all_keyword(thefile, HDU=0) This function gets all the keyword in the header of the file Parameters ---------- thefile str path/and/file.txt HDU int FITS extension number to get the keywords from Returns ------- keywords list list of keywords (string) This function takes a file as input and return the list of all the keywords:: In [6]: keys = dfitspy.get_all_keyword('XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:10:40.714.fits') In [7]: keys ['SIMPLE', 'BITPIX', 'NAXIS', 'EXTEND', 'HIERARCH ESO INS MODE', 'HIERARCH ESO OBS PROG ID', 'HIERARCH ESO OBS ID', 'HIERARCH ESO OBS TARG NAME', 'DATE-OBS', 'MJD-OBS', 'EXPTIME', 'HIERARCH ESO OBS AIRM', 'HIERARCH ESO OBS AMBI FWHM', 'HIERARCH ESO OBS AMBI TRANS', 'HIERARCH ESO TPL EXPNO', 'HIERARCH ESO TPL NEXP', 'HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM START', 'HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM END', 'HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI FWHM START', 'HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI FWHM END', 'HIERARCH ESO PRO CATG' . . .(cut for display convinience)] If you have a very long list you can display it using the *keywords_view* function, which will cut the length by three:: In [8] : dfitspy.keywords_view(keys) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIMPLE | BITPIX | NAXIS EXTEND | HIERARCH ESO INS MODE | HIERARCH ESO OBS PROG ID HIERARCH ESO OBS ID | HIERARCH ESO OBS TARG NAME | DATE-OBS MJD-OBS | EXPTIME | HIERARCH ESO OBS AIRM HIERARCH ESO OBS AMBI FWHM | HIERARCH ESO OBS AMBI TRANS | HIERARCH ESO TPL EXPNO HIERARCH ESO TPL NEXP | HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM START | HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM END HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI FWHM START | HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI FWHM END | HIERARCH ESO PRO CATG . | . | . . | . | . . | . | . (it has been cut) It is important to note that you can also search in the header of different extension. For example accessing the extension number 1 (default is 0, the primary header):: In [37]: dfitspy.get_all_keyword('../lcogtdata-2022-1/tfn0m410-kb98-20100-x00.fits.fz', HDU=1) Out[37]: ['SIMPLE', 'BITPIX', 'NAXIS', 'NAXIS1', 'NAXIS2', 'PCOUNT', 'GCOUNT', 'XTENSION', 'BZERO', 'BSCALE', 'DATADICV', 'HDRVER', 'ORIGIN', 'SITEID', 3 - Fitsort your files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ At this point you are ready to fitsort all files. In order to achieve that you have to use the *get_all_values* function:: In [9]: help(dfitspy.dfitsort) dfitsort(listfiles, listkeys, exact=False, grepping=None, HDU=0) This function get for all files, the value of all the keywords that are passed Parameters ---------- listfiles : lisr list, with file names (string, path included) listkeys : list list, of keywords (strings) grep : list list of string, if not false, the grepping valueS will be compared to all the values of the keywords. If all grepping values appear in the header of one file the file will be kept exact : bool if the exact keyword from the user must be retrieved. If not, any keyword containing the requested keyword will be used. HDU : int extension number to look in. Default is primary: 0 Returns ------- file_dict : dictionary dictionary, keys=filename & values=dictionnary of keyword-value pairs Examples -------- dfitsort([file1, file2], [key1, key2]) <-- no grep dfitsort([file1, file2], [key1, key2], ['match', 'match2']) <-- multi grep This function takes as argument the list of files and the list of parameters and returns a dictionary of files with values of all the keywords required:: In [10]: fitsort = dfitspy.dfitsort(listfiles, listkeys) In [11]: fitsort {'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:40:13.194.fits': {'HIERARCH ESO OBS START': '2014-06-19T05:34:44', 'EXPTIME': '150.0'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:10:40.714.fits': {'HIERARCH ESO OBS START': '2014-06-19T05:09:01', 'EXPTIME': '10.0'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:11:16.622.fits': {'HIERARCH ESO OBS START': '2014-06-19T05:09:01', 'EXPTIME': '5.0'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:27:32.003.fits': {'HIERARCH ESO OBS START': '2014-06-19T05:23:09', 'EXPTIME': '250.0'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:27:07.001.fits': {'HIERARCH ESO OBS START': '2014-06-19T05:23:09', 'EXPTIME': '300.0'}, . . . 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:28:20.452.fits': {'HIERARCH ESO OBS START': '2014-06-19T05:23:09', 'EXPTIME': '150.0'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:10:41.562.fits': {'HIERARCH ESO OBS START': '2014-06-19T05:09:01', 'EXPTIME': '5.0'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:46.590.fits': {'HIERARCH ESO OBS START': '2014-06-19T05:23:09', 'EXPTIME': '5.0'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:46.969.fits': {'HIERARCH ESO OBS START': '2014-06-19T05:23:09', 'EXPTIME': '1.5'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:19.503.fits': {'HIERARCH ESO OBS START': '2014-06-19T05:23:09', 'EXPTIME': '5.0'}} you can display everything in a nice way using the *dfitsort_view* function:: In [12]: dfitspy.dfitsort_view(fitsort) filename EXPTIME HIERARCH ESO OBS START ------------------------------------- ------- ---------------------- XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:40:13.194.fits 150.0 2014-06-19T05:34:44 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:10:40.714.fits 10.0 2014-06-19T05:09:01 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:11:16.622.fits 5.0 2014-06-19T05:09:01 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:27:32.003.fits 250.0 2014-06-19T05:23:09 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:27:07.001.fits 300.0 2014-06-19T05:23:09 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:13:33.009.fits 300.0 2014-06-19T05:09:01 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:00:53.001.fits 250.0 2014-06-19T04:55:50 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:12:56.978.fits 0.0 2014-06-19T05:09:01 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:18.621.fits 10.0 2014-06-19T05:23:09 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:13:58.001.fits 250.0 2014-06-19T05:09:01 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:10:41.934.fits 1.5 2014-06-19T05:09:01 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:11:15.667.fits 10.0 2014-06-19T05:09:01 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:19.841.fits 1.5 2014-06-19T05:23:09 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:45.749.fits 10.0 2014-06-19T05:23:09 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:14:45.502.fits 150.0 2014-06-19T05:09:01 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:11:16.887.fits 1.5 2014-06-19T05:09:01 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:01:40.463.fits 150.0 2014-06-19T04:55:50 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:00:28.009.fits 300.0 2014-06-19T04:55:50 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:26:29.578.fits 0.0 2014-06-19T05:23:09 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:28:20.452.fits 150.0 2014-06-19T05:23:09 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:10:41.562.fits 5.0 2014-06-19T05:09:01 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:46.590.fits 5.0 2014-06-19T05:23:09 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:46.969.fits 1.5 2014-06-19T05:23:09 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:19.503.fits 5.0 2014-06-19T05:23:09 **It is important to understand the following things to fully understand the output of dfitspy:** * By default, dfitspy will look for all the header keywords **that contain** the one you gave with the '-k' argument .Using the file in the previous example, if I want the keyword NAXIS, dfitspy will retrieve **ALL** the following keywords: NAXIS, NAXIS1 and NAXIS2:: In [10]: fitsort = dfitspy.dfitsort(listfiles, ['HIERARCH ESO OBS START', 'NAXIS']) In [11]: dfitspy.dfitsort_view(fitsort) filename HIERARCH ESO OBS START NAXIS NAXIS1 NAXIS2 ------------------------------------- ---------------------- ----- ------ ------ XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:40:13.194.fits 2014-06-19T05:34:44 2 2048 1100 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:10:40.714.fits 2014-06-19T05:09:01 2 1000 1000 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:11:16.622.fits 2014-06-19T05:09:01 2 2048 1100 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:27:32.003.fits 2014-06-19T05:23:09 2 2106 4000 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:27:07.001.fits 2014-06-19T05:23:09 2 2144 3000 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:13:33.009.fits 2014-06-19T05:09:01 2 2144 3000 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:00:53.001.fits 2014-06-19T04:55:50 2 2106 4000 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:12:56.978.fits 2014-06-19T05:09:01 2 562 528 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:18.621.fits 2014-06-19T05:23:09 2 1000 1000 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:13:58.001.fits 2014-06-19T05:09:01 2 2106 4000 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:10:41.934.fits 2014-06-19T05:09:01 2 1000 1000 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:11:15.667.fits 2014-06-19T05:09:01 2 1000 1000 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:19.841.fits 2014-06-19T05:23:09 2 1000 1000 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:45.749.fits 2014-06-19T05:23:09 2 1000 1000 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:14:45.502.fits 2014-06-19T05:09:01 2 2048 1100 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:11:16.887.fits 2014-06-19T05:09:01 2 1000 1000 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:01:40.463.fits 2014-06-19T04:55:50 2 2048 1100 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:00:28.009.fits 2014-06-19T04:55:50 2 2144 3000 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:26:29.578.fits 2014-06-19T05:23:09 2 562 528 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:28:20.452.fits 2014-06-19T05:23:09 2 2048 1100 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:10:41.562.fits 2014-06-19T05:09:01 2 2048 1100 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:46.590.fits 2014-06-19T05:23:09 2 2048 1100 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:46.969.fits 2014-06-19T05:23:09 2 1000 1000 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:19.503.fits 2014-06-19T05:23:09 2 2048 1100 This has been implemented so you can 'search' for keywords without knowing their exact names. If you happen to know the exact name of the keyword and you don't want the other ones, you can use the boolean argument 'exact' and you will have only the keywords matching exactly the ones you asked for:: In [12]: fitsort = dfitspy.dfitsort(listfiles, ['HIERARCH ESO OBS START', 'NAXIS'], exact=True) In [13]: dfitspy.dfitsort_view(fitsort) filename HIERARCH ESO OBS START NAXIS ------------------------------------- ---------------------- ----- XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:40:13.194.fits 2014-06-19T05:34:44 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:10:40.714.fits 2014-06-19T05:09:01 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:11:16.622.fits 2014-06-19T05:09:01 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:27:32.003.fits 2014-06-19T05:23:09 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:27:07.001.fits 2014-06-19T05:23:09 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:13:33.009.fits 2014-06-19T05:09:01 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:00:53.001.fits 2014-06-19T04:55:50 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:12:56.978.fits 2014-06-19T05:09:01 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:18.621.fits 2014-06-19T05:23:09 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:13:58.001.fits 2014-06-19T05:09:01 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:10:41.934.fits 2014-06-19T05:09:01 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:11:15.667.fits 2014-06-19T05:09:01 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:19.841.fits 2014-06-19T05:23:09 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:45.749.fits 2014-06-19T05:23:09 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:14:45.502.fits 2014-06-19T05:09:01 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:11:16.887.fits 2014-06-19T05:09:01 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:01:40.463.fits 2014-06-19T04:55:50 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:00:28.009.fits 2014-06-19T04:55:50 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:26:29.578.fits 2014-06-19T05:23:09 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:28:20.452.fits 2014-06-19T05:23:09 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:10:41.562.fits 2014-06-19T05:09:01 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:46.590.fits 2014-06-19T05:23:09 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:46.969.fits 2014-06-19T05:23:09 2 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:19.503.fits 2014-06-19T05:23:09 2 * In case a file does not contain a keyword, the output dictionary will not contain that keyword either:: In [14]: fitsort = dfitspy.dfitsort(listfiles, ['ESO OBS ID', 'OCS ARM']) In [15]: fitsort {'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:40:13.194.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1073005'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:10:40.714.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072971'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:11:16.622.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072971'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:27:32.003.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072985'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:27:07.001.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072985'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:13:33.009.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072971'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:00:53.001.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072941'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:12:56.978.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072971', 'ESO OCS ARM': 'AGCCD'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:18.621.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072985'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:13:58.001.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072971'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:10:41.934.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072971'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:11:15.667.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072971'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:19.841.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072985'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:45.749.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072985'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:14:45.502.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072971'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:11:16.887.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072971'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:01:40.463.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072941'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:00:28.009.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072941'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:26:29.578.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072985', 'ESO OCS ARM': 'AGCCD'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:28:20.452.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072985'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:10:41.562.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072971'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:46.590.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072985'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:46.969.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072985'}, 'XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:19.503.fits': {'ESO OBS ID': '1072985'}} * **HIERARCH keywords**: ESO FITS Files come with a huge collection of keywords starting by the HIERARCH prefix. You can ask for them using this prefix or not:: In [16]: fitsort = dfitspy.dfitsort(listfiles, ['HIERARCH ESO OBS ID', 'HIERARCH ESO OBS START']) In [17]: dfitspy.dfitsort_view(fitsort) filename HIERARCH ESO OBS ID HIERARCH ESO OBS START ------------------------------------- ------------------- ---------------------- XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:40:13.194.fits 1073005 2014-06-19T05:34:44 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:10:40.714.fits 1072971 2014-06-19T05:09:01 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:11:16.622.fits 1072971 2014-06-19T05:09:01 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:27:32.003.fits 1072985 2014-06-19T05:23:09 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:27:07.001.fits 1072985 2014-06-19T05:23:09 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:13:33.009.fits 1072971 2014-06-19T05:09:01 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:00:53.001.fits 1072941 2014-06-19T04:55:50 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:12:56.978.fits 1072971 2014-06-19T05:09:01 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:18.621.fits 1072985 2014-06-19T05:23:09 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:13:58.001.fits 1072971 2014-06-19T05:09:01 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:10:41.934.fits 1072971 2014-06-19T05:09:01 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:11:15.667.fits 1072971 2014-06-19T05:09:01 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:19.841.fits 1072985 2014-06-19T05:23:09 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:45.749.fits 1072985 2014-06-19T05:23:09 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:14:45.502.fits 1072971 2014-06-19T05:09:01 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:11:16.887.fits 1072971 2014-06-19T05:09:01 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:01:40.463.fits 1072941 2014-06-19T04:55:50 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:00:28.009.fits 1072941 2014-06-19T04:55:50 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:26:29.578.fits 1072985 2014-06-19T05:23:09 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:28:20.452.fits 1072985 2014-06-19T05:23:09 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:10:41.562.fits 1072971 2014-06-19T05:09:01 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:46.590.fits 1072985 2014-06-19T05:23:09 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:46.969.fits 1072985 2014-06-19T05:23:09 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:19.503.fits 1072985 2014-06-19T05:23:09 You would have exaclty the same results with 'dfitspy.dfitsort(listfiles, ['ESO OBS ID', 'ESO OBS START'])' * As before, you can look in the header of different extension, simply adding the argument 'HDU='+number of the extension you want. 4 - Grepping ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The next option allows you to grep files that have a certain value in their keywords. By default it is set to *None* but you can give a *grepping value* (**in a list**) to replace it. When doing so dfitspy will look at all the files you give in listfiles and in all the keywords you give in listkeys. **If all the grepping values are inside the keyword values the file will be kept, if not the file will be rejected.** For example here we want all the files for which HIERARCH ESO OBS ID = 439120439 :: In [18]: fitsortgrep = dfitspy.dfitsort(listfiles, ['ESO OBS ID', 'SEQ ARM'], grepping=['1072985']) In [19]: dfitspy.dfitsort_view(fitsortgrep) filename ESO SEQ ARM HIERARCH ESO OBS ID ------------------------------------- ----------- ------------------- XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:27:32.003.fits VIS 1072985 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:27:07.001.fits UVB 1072985 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:18.621.fits UVB 1072985 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:19.841.fits VIS 1072985 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:45.749.fits UVB 1072985 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:26:29.578.fits AGC 1072985 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:28:20.452.fits NIR 1072985 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:46.590.fits NIR 1072985 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:46.969.fits VIS 1072985 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:19.503.fits NIR 1072985 We can also multi-grep. For example if you want to keep only *ESO SEQ ARM = NIR* then we must add a grepping value :: In [20]: fitsortgrep = dfitspy.dfitsort(listfiles, ['ESO OBS ID', 'SEQ ARM'], grepping=['1072985', 'NIR']) In [21]: dfitspy.dfitsort_view(fitsortgrep) filename ESO SEQ ARM HIERARCH ESO OBS ID ------------------------------------- ----------- ------------------- XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:28:20.452.fits NIR 1072985 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:24:46.590.fits NIR 1072985 XSHOOTER.2014-06-19T05:25:19.503.fits NIR 1072985 5-Test ^^^^^^ Dfitspy comes with a unit testing suite (26 tests in total). To run it:: In [1]: import dfitspy In [2]: dfitspy.test() ---UnitTest the command interface test_cli (dfitspy.cli.Interfacetest) This method tests the command line interface ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.005s OK ---UnitTest the display printouts test_displayfinal (dfitspy.display.Testdisplayfinal) test the final display function ... ok test_displayfinal_missing_keyword (dfitspy.display.Testdisplayfinal) test the final display function when a keyword is missing for a file ... ok test_five (dfitspy.display.Testdisplaylist) idem with five ... ok test_four (dfitspy.display.Testdisplaylist) idem with 4 keywords ... ok test_six (dfitspy.display.Testdisplaylist) idem with six ... ok test_three (dfitspy.display.Testdisplaylist) Test if 3 keywords have to be displayed ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in 0.005s OK ---UnitTest getting file names test_get_file_all_no_files (dfitspy.get_files_and_keys.Testgetfiles) Here we test the get_files function when the user does not precise the ... ok test_get_file_all_with_files (dfitspy.get_files_and_keys.Testgetfiles) Here we test the get_files function when the user does not precise the ... ok test_get_multi_file_goodname (dfitspy.get_files_and_keys.Testgetfiles) Test for multiple files ... ok test_get_single_file_goodname (dfitspy.get_files_and_keys.Testgetfiles) Test with single file when a good filename is given ... ok test_get_single_file_wrongname (dfitspy.get_files_and_keys.Testgetfiles) Test with single file when a wrong filename is given ... ok test_list_files (dfitspy.get_files_and_keys.Testgetfiles) Test for list of files as input ... ok test_get_multi_key (dfitspy.get_files_and_keys.Testgetkeys) We give three keywords and have to get the three keywords ... ok test_get_multi_key_with_HIERARCH (dfitspy.get_files_and_keys.Testgetkeys) We give three keywords and have to get the three keywords ... ok test_get_single_key (dfitspy.get_files_and_keys.Testgetkeys) We give a single keyword and have to get exaclty the same ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.049s OK ---UnitTest read fits and extraction functions test_readfile (dfitspy.readfits.Testextractheader) This function test the header extraction ... ok test_get_all_keyword (dfitspy.readfits.Testkeywordextraction) This function test function that extracts all the keyword of the header ... ok test_get_value_missing_keyword (dfitspy.readfits.Testkeywordextraction) This function tests the extraction of keywords without grepping values ... ok test_get_value_no_grep (dfitspy.readfits.Testkeywordextraction) This function tests the extraction of keywords without grepping values ... ok test_get_value_same_keyword_root (dfitspy.readfits.Testkeywordextraction) This function tests the extraction of keywords without grepping values ... ok test_get_value_same_keyword_root_but_exact (dfitspy.readfits.Testkeywordextraction) This function tests the extraction of keywords without grepping values ... ok test_get_value_true (dfitspy.readfits.Testkeywordextraction) This method tests the function that gets the value of the keyword in the file ... ok test_get_value_with_grep (dfitspy.readfits.Testkeywordextraction) Same as before but with grepping ... ok test_get_value_wrong (dfitspy.readfits.Testkeywordextraction) This function test function that gets the value of the keyword in the file ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 0.029s OK